Near the edge

I believe everyone dislike exams. Well, some to the extent of hating them too. I guess I'm between dislike and hate. There's never enough time, never enough brain juice for them. Here I am at the brink of sanity, freaking out, panicking; wondering how it's gonna turn up. Been back from hometown to KL, to face it once and for all. These days i grow tired and more afraid of examinations, maybe because of my slacking attitude. Well, things are never easy in life.

Well, staying at home makes me lazy, i don't know why myself. Been at home for a few days and it's been a vacation. I did not work on anything and just went out for food, food and food. One day I'm gonna be that fat man on the couch (haha). But I won't let that happen.

Besides that, there are so many things in life to think about, to be proud of too (heh). First thing I'm proud of is my pc (:p). It would be something usual for lot's of people but upgrading a pc by hand, it was my first experience not so long ago, and it turned out good! Overclocked it, changed the hardware, this and that, thanks to this good friend of mine helping me out.

I guess I'm contented with life. I have everything I need. There are things i wanted, but it is just 'want' and I don't really need it so, I can cope with that. Dreams are something good too, if the dream is realistic enough. Damn, am I bored or what.



April 21, 2008 at 11:02 PM

i have a similar phobia... *silent scream*